Daily Activities of German Children
to familiarize students with daily routine of German children and have them make comparisons to their own; to teach students to talk about daily activities.
pictures of animals introduced / video / perhaps cardboard clock
A. Warm-up: Greetings (approx. 5 min)
- Greet the class by using different expressions such as Guten Tag, Guten Morgen, Grüß Gott, …; then greet students individually: shake their hands and always add a remark or ask a question, e.g. Guten Tag. Wie geht’s? / Wie heißt du? etc. Encourage the students to do likewise with their neighbors.
B. Review animals (approx. 7 min)
- Play Fly Swatter Game (or a variation of it)
C. Preparation to film (approx. 5 min)
- Talk about what American children normally do every day: First, ask the children what they do. Then summarize a normal day of an American child in German (introduce Sonja). Use simple German phrases (see vocabulary list) and make use of the clock. For example: Um sechs Uhr dreißig steht Sonja auf. Um sieben Uhr frühstückt sie. …
- Then say: And now let’s see what Germans do. Divide class into 4-5 small groups and tell students that there will be a competition to see which group notices most differences between what Germans and what Americans do. Tell them to duscuss things and to make a list. (Make it a game!)
D. Watch film (13:30 min), first time (approx. 18 min)
- While film is running, encourage students to talk about what they see and to compare it to the daily routine of Americans. What is similar and, more importantly, what is different?
- After the film, ask each group for its ideas and put important words on the board. Have students summarize important differences.
E. Watch selected parts of the film again (approx. 8 min)
- Explain what Raphael is doing in German (see vocabulary list). Have students repeat this. At times, you might want to ask: Und was macht Raphael jetzt? [The teacher might have to answer the questions and have the students repeat them.] Also point out matters of interest in English. Encourage students to react to your comments.
F. Review vocabulary (approx. 3 min)
- The teacher repeats important expressions like _______ putzt die Zähne. / _______ trinkt Milch. Fill in the blank with the German name of one of the students. That student has to act out (i.e. use gestures etc.) what the teacher just said.
G. Song (approx. 2 min)
- Sing the Auf Wiederseh’n song.